As I sit and write this I have my laptop set up in a basement cafe located deep inside Casa Loma ( For those of you who don’t know, this magnificent mansion is “...the former estate of Sir Henry Mill Pellatt, a prominent Toronto financier, industrialist and military man.” Or as I like to think of it, Casa Loma is an outrageous example of making your dreams come true.
Ever since my parents started bringing my brother and I here at Christmas time to see all the decorations and tour the magnificent rooms, this ‘house’ has had a spell over me. Which is why I decided to take advantage of a rare afternoon off to come back and see the old place. After getting off at the Dupont subway stop and walking up the steep road followed by even steeper stairs here I am.
And it has been well worth the effort.
In addition to creating this current addition to my blog, I have also drafted out the agenda for my upcoming corporate strategy planning session, achieved clarity and perspective on a brilliant solution for a client of mine, worked through a plan of action for helping out a colleague dealing with a challenging tactical situation, and remembered just how fortunate I am to live in Southern Ontario in particular, and in Canada in general. The last realization drifted over me as I sat and listened to and watched people from all over the world enjoying this tourist attraction almost as much as I do.
To sum up, in just a few hours my batteries are completely recharged, my creative juices are flowing, and I feel ready to take on the world. In fact I even looked into booking a meeting room here to host my corporate strategy planning session. If my associates get half the creative boost out of this place as I do we’ll be able to “fix” the world....or should I say "we'll be ready to accompany the world on its journey of Change."
No practical, real-world solution or insight into a complex business problem from me today. Plenty more where those come from. Just a friendly suggestion for any of you who may have forgotten where you last saw your inspiration. Go back to your ‘castle’ and have a look in the basement.
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