Monday, August 27, 2012

Lean in a Week!

In the true spirit of continuous improvement I am ever so proud to share with you an even lean-er version of my original blog entitled First 10 steps to lean.  I would first like to thank the creaters of Twitter and their 140 character limit on tweets.  And I should also thank the Romans who invented the five day work week (I'm pretty sure they did - Google it).  As a result of these two parameters I recently came up with an even more precics "5 steps to Lean."  Or what I like to refer to as "Lean in a Week."
  1. Monday Assignment: Set yourself a goal of figuring out who your customer is. Hint: customers exchange money for
  2. Tuesday's Assignment: Pretend to call your customer to ask them what adds . Hint: its not what YOU think  
  3. Wednesday's Assignment: List every step to create your product/service. Hint: account for EVERYONE within your organization
  4. Thursday's Assignment: Take the steps you don't need and STOP doing them Hint: This is called Type 2 Muda
  5. Friday's Assignment: Take the remaining steps and assign small groups to eliminate them Hint: This is called  
 Good luck!

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